About parwiz akbari
Academic Level Degree Bachelor
Age 23 - 27 Years
Salary 1926
Gender Male
Industry Development
Viewed 86
About me
Dear Sir/Madam:
My name is Parwiz Akbari, having bachelor’s degree in Arcitecture Engineering, from Nangarhar University, Afghanistan. It gives me an immense pleasure to submit my resume for the available Internships at your prestigious organization. I would like to have the honor be a part of this esteemed organization by applying for this position and please find my resume enclosed with this letter.
I have worked in Construction for more than Three years with National and International INGOs. The requirements and responsibilities that I see in the job announcement match the ones that I have already done, which means that I have full command and experience in this regard.
I have been commended and received appreciation letters from different organizations for the achievements that I have.
I assure you that I will work to the best of my abilities. I hope that the organization will consider my qualifications and experience in consideration for the position. I am looking forward to personally meeting with you to discuss how I can best apply my background and skills in this new role.
Thank you for your consideration and review of this letter and attached materials, and Waiting on hearing about the recruitment status.
Yours Sincerely,
Parwiz “Akbari”
Kabul/ Afghanistan
Mobile: +93 (0) 782595276 & +93 (0) 748904143 Email: parwiz.akbari.24.m@gmailcom
2018 - 2024
Nangarhar University , Nangarhar, Afghanistan
Bachelor’s degree in architecture engineering
Dear Sir/Madam: My name is Parwiz Akbari, having bachelor’s degree in Architecture Engineering, from Nangarhar University, Afghanistan. It gives me an immense pleasure to submit my resume for the available Internships at your prestigious organization. I would like to have the honor be a part of this esteemed organization by applying for this position and please find my resume enclosed with this letter. I have worked in Construction for more than Three years with National and International INGOs. The requirements and responsibilities that I see in the job announcement match the ones that I have already done, which means that I have full command and experience in this regard. I have been commended and received appreciation letters from different organizations for the achievements that I have. I assure you that I will work to the best of my abilities. I hope that the organization will consider my qualifications and experience in consideration for the position. I am looking forward to personally meeting with you to discuss how I can best apply my background and skills in this new role. Thank you for your consideration and review of this letter and attached materials, and Waiting on hearing about the recruitment status. Yours Sincerely, ----------------------------- Parwiz “Akbari” Kabul/ Afghanistan Mobile: +93 (0) 782595276 & +93 (0) 748904143 Email: parwiz.akbari.24.m@gmailcom
2023 - 2024
Field Engineering CTG -IOM
Conduct surveys on land sites and properties
Examine previous records and evidence to ensure data accuracy
Research and design methods for survey processes
Use equipment and tools to accurately measure land features (e.g. longitudes, latitudes)
Build maps, sketches, and charts
Supervise and provide guidance to field staff
Purchase and maintain equipment. Report on survey results and present findings to clients
Collaborate with engineers and architects on several projects