About Abdul Hakim Farahmand
Academic Level Degree Bachelor
Age 33 - 37 Years
Salary 1850
Gender Male
Industry Development
Viewed 101
About me
I have work experience in the following areas: Data Collector, Field Monitor of HMIS Verification and Health Facilities Assessment, monitoring and evaluation, survey, Enumerator, HMIS and Functionality Verification (data collection & verification, dental medicine or stomatology, in the field of malnutrition and monitoring and evaluation of health departments and health Facility.
I believe in devotion to work hard and testing my professional knowledge, experience and capabilities in creating potential Monitoring, Elevation, Research, Survey, Agriculture, Livestock, Public, Health, Medical, Computer, Technical, Technician and business.
Due to my qualification and work experience described below, I would like to submit my CV to be assigned for in order to make efforts for better performances for the duties and to deliver outstanding service for the office and the people
In 2022 up to 2023 Feild Monitor of HMIS Verification and Health Facilities Assessments Officer for SEHATMAND
Project and Third-Party Monitoring for BPHS/ EPHS at Particip GmbH /KIT Royal Tropical Institute • Full-time
In 14 May 2022 -22 Jun 2022 work as Enumerator in (CDCS) Program (Consumer Directed Community Supports) and Distribution of cash to the disabled at Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion In 21/11/ 2019 – 21/11/ 2020 as a Monitoring &Elevation Field Officer at AACS- Consulting Service.
In 23/07/2019— 31/01/2020 as a Field Observation and Data Verification Officers at Mgtwell/ Fhi360.
In 2015 up to 2021 Stomatology and Dental Medicine Department at Sherzai Afghan Institute of Higher Education In 30/01// 2018 — 30/01/2018 Trainees at Aga Khan Foundation.
In 01/02 2014 — 14/02/2018 as a Technician at DHSA and the Killid Group Then One Month assignment as Surveyor at ATR-Consulting.